Dec 30, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

Yep, I have always thought that we get the better end of the deal with dogs. We give them a warm bed, good food, and belly rubs, and in return, they give us their entire heart and soul.

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Thank you for sharing this moving celebration of Rey’s life. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

So sorry for your loss

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Heartbreaking, but such a wonderful story. She gave you her all, and so did you in return. Thanks for sharing and much love.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

So sorry for your loss, I know too well that feeling of things just being "off" when they are no longer with us. They are so such a part of the daily.

I'm sure you gave her the best life!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

I’m sorry for your loss Tom.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

Tom, thank you so much for sharing Rey with all of us fans. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

My condolences Tom. I too had to put my dog Noodles down last week. He would have been 8 on Christmas Eve. Blessings to you and your wife in the coming year.

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Oh no I’m so sorry too. Maybe Rey and Noodles will meet up somehow now.

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Oh Tom. This is beautiful and heartbreaking. What a good girl. What a sad day. Holding you and Eileen and Sawyer in my heart and hugging my furry friend close. I’m so glad you found each other. ❤️

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

Thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss. We have two older dogs with health issues and I wake up everyday wondering if this will be the last for one of them and I go to bed feeling blessed when it isn't. You, Eileen and Sawyer are in my thoughts.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

I haven't owned a pet in years so I live vicariously through the people I follow online and their pets. Hearing stories and seeing pics and videos. So I get to see all the happy times, but that means I see the loss as well. So, so sorry for your loss.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

My heart goes out to you, Eileen and Sawyer, it’ll be a tough New Year’s for sure. What a beautiful obituary, Tom, thank you for sharing so many of these lovely moments. Rey’s force will be with us, always.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

Thank you for sharing Rey's story with us. I realize that I actually didn't know what she looked like until now. Much love to you and the family.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Tom Merritt

My condolences, sometimes I felt she was part of the show as well, (in a good way).

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Condolences on loss of your special doggy Merritt. RIP

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Sorry for your loss Tom and Eileen. Best wishes to you both this New Year!

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