Hey folks,
It was the first week of a slightly new way of doing things on DTNS, and it felt really good.
In February, the DTNS folks all met and had a big session where we talked about what could make things better. Not just the things you hear or see on the show, but behind the scenes processes and stuff as well. We changed a good fist full of things and I have to say, so far they seem to be working!
One of the things, was splitting up the duties a little more evenly. You’ll hear me more regularly on Daily Tech Headlines again and Rich a little more on Daily Tech News Show. Behind the scenes we split up some of the prep and writing a little different too.
But really the big difference was just talking to each other about little things. It’s weird how those things can nag but when you bring them up there’s easily taken care of and make a world of difference. For example, we’ve always had deadlines throughout the day preparing for the show. We talked about why those get missed sometimes and hit on using reminders as a way to keep us on track. Amos whipped up a bot to send reminders in our Discord. And while we still get a little behind sometimes, it feels like we know that and are all pulling in the same direction to keep up.
This probably sounds like typical teamwork stuff, and it is. But it still feels good when it gets clicking. Hopefully you can hear it on the show.
I also recorded an episode of Troubled Waters, which was a really fun quiz show. The asked me to tell an anecdote about a great betrayal. So I did. That comes out March 15th. Tomorrow I’m talking to Classic Conversations with Jeff Dwoskin, where I hear they’ll be asking me about how and why I do what I do. Should be fun! I’ll have links to those both when they’re out.
Before I wrap up a huge shout of praise for Jess Guinivan who’s been helping Sarah and me get on al these shows these last few months. She’s a total pro and a pleasure to work with. Thanks Jess!
Now stay dry and warm folks. Unless you’re someplace hot then stay cool.