Hey folks,
I’m kind of tired at the end of this week. It was a great week though! The shows were excellent, finishing strong with a great talk on secure by default and secure by design with Mike Johnson, CISO of Rivian.
And I love our top 5 this week.
Holidays mean cooking and cooking for me means tech. So Roger cooked up some great kitchen tech recommendations and we count them down. This is part tips and tricks and part gift guide to be honest!
Honestly I think I’m only tired because of my dog. Good old Sawyer is OLD. And it’s beginning to show. He’s had a few more accidents in the house. That’s stressful enough but just watching the old man slow down is sad too. He used to race around like a dog with his fur on fire.
He’s still got the old fire in his eyes sometimes. And especially first thing in the morning. So I savor those moments of course.
And I think he just laughs at me when I worry. Look at that face.
Anyway, that’s why I’m going to keep this short. Besides so many other plans, like CES and a DTNS book are in flux. So I’ll have to wait to share more info on those until later.
Which reminds me. I want to do a Q&A in this newsletter! So send me some questions. Just respond to this email or leave a comment on Substack.
Thanks all!
Have a great weekend.
In that pic of Sawyer there is some clover, ever found a four-leaf one?