The Top 5 Greatest Tech Companies of All Time
And a dramatic reenactment of public key cryptography
Hi folks,
I love all my shows. None more than another. But there’s only so much time each week you have to read about what I’m doing. So to respect your time, I’m going to just mention the two greatest pieces of technology entertainment ever created.
I know, what you’re thinking. Based on what? Who are you to decide? Well it’s all explained in the video. Including what I think of your opinion about this list.
Some of you may be familiar with Alice, Bob and Eve as a classic way to explain security topics like “man in the middle attacks” and such. Usually Bob and Alice are trying to do something legitimate and Eve tries to hack them.
That’s important because I wanted to explain a portion of Passkeys. Passkeys are all the rage because they let you log in securely without having to remember a password. Well how could they possibly do that? They use a form of public key cryptography. And to explain how that works I enlited superstars to play the parts of Alice, Bob and Eve.
BOB - A mild-mannered person who just wants to securely exchange legitimate information with his friend Alice. Is that so wrong? Played by Andrew Heaton.
ALICE - Just a regular person who wants to securely communicate with her friend Bob. Played by Sarah Lane.
EVE - A hacker, possibly malicious, who definitely wants to know what’s going on between Alice and Bob, privacy be damned! Played by Shannon Morse.
These three did a killer job performing these roles. Justin Robert Young did a killer job directing their performances. Anthony Lemos did a killer job editing. And I did all right writing the script, if I do say so myself.
So you REALLY need to have a listen to this episode of Public Key Cryptography. You will enjoy it and maybe learn something too.
I present to you About Public Key Crytography.
I hope you understand now why I’m so excited about these and I hope you enjoy them and share with friends.
It’s been quite a week. Among many other things, my friend Andrew Mayne turned 50 and we surprised him with a birthday party. It’s the thing to do these days. Happy Birthday Mayne!
And happy birthday to you too.