Is It Autumn Yet? NO!
Hello my friends,
It’s almost September which makes me want to say we’re heading into autumn. But autumn doesn’t start until near the end of September. Does anyone else find this odd? Maybe it’s from my youth where we started school the first week of September most years and that felt like the end of summer. But these days most kids start school in August sometimes early August. And September is still hot in the northern hemisphere. So forget it. I declare I will not call Labor Day the end of summer anymore. I will insist, annoyingly on calling it summer to everyone until the equinox on September 22.
Justice for summer!
I’m still a little sleep deprived. Seven the dog now sleeps past 6 AM most day but never, ever, past 6:30 AM. But he’s past 30 pounds and getting bigger. And also slowly getting calmer. He’s a really good boy.
On to the weekly Top 5. Roger came up with a list of video game franchises older than you!
In addition to my picks I realize I have some built-in things to my world that are worth highlighting each week as well.
Sword and Laser Read
This is the current read of Sword and Laser
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
Full Experience Watch
In the Full Experience, Brian Brushwood, Amos and I watch the first, ultimate, lowest and last episodes of a TV series to get a cross-section of what it’s like.
Season 1 Episode 1 of The Wire: The Target
OK OK. I know all you really want is the picture of Seven the dog.
But here’s my song of the week. Le Sserafim is back with the craziest music video you will watch this week. Watch and let me know what you think.
That’s it y’all. Talk to you next week!